1. Name, hometown, primary email.
Name: Emily Koesters
Hometown: Richfield
Email: ekoesters@hotmail.com
2. What name do you prefer to be called?
3. Undergraduate and graduate degree(s), education license(s), current employment: grade level, subject(s) if applicable, district.
Undergraduate Degree: Adolescent/Young Adult Education
University of Toledo 2009
Graduate Degree: Masters of Education in School Administration
John Carroll University expected May 2012
License: Professional 5 Year Teaching License Mathematics(7-12)
Administration License expected for May 2013
Employment: I teach Freshman Algebra 1, College Algebra for
seniors and AP Statistics for seniors at Walsh
Jesuit High School. I also coach Men's Volleyball
and run Intramural Softball at Walsh Jesuit.
4. What are a few of your more interesting hobbies, travel experiences, somewhat “unique” aspects about yourself that would help our classroom community get to know you a bit better.
Some of my more interesting hobbies would be that I currently play on two sand volleyball teams. One is on Sundays and the other is on Tuesdays. The one on Tuesday is a doubles league, and my partner is my husband. We also play in a mud volleyball tournament every year, and we have a blast!
Another hobby I enjoy to do over the weekend is to go camping and fishing with my husband. We go fishing at least every other weekend, and I love it. It is so relaxing for me, which is the opposite of how I feel during the week. Learning Style and more: 5. Being as specific as you can, what must be in place for you to feel comfortable taking intellectual risks in a classroom?
For me to take intellectual risks in class, I must know that I will not be ridiculed or adversely effected for an incorrect answer or an answer that is not with the majority of the class. Other than that, I am a pretty open book.
6. I am interested in your perception of yourself as a student. Please describe it. Consider such criteria as a) active oral class participation; b) responsible, timely class preparation (of readings, projects, etc.); c) honest, candid self-assessment; d) awareness of your own preferred learning styles/approaches; e) first thing that you do when you cannot or do not understand something; f)other dimensions you believe to be relevant and informative.
Since I am a teacher, I expect myself to be the type of student I enjoy having in class. Therefore, I turn in homework complete and on time, I do all of the readings necessary for class, I come to class on time and prepared, and I participate in class. If I did not do all of these things, I would be a hypocrite to my students, since I expect the same from them. Furthermore, if I need help, I will speak with the professor of the class, which is similar to what I want my own students to do with me. Finally, especially with a technology class, I enjoy and learn from hands-on activities. If I do something myself rather than simply watch someone else do it for me, I will learn it much faster.
7. Is there anything I should know about you, your learning style, or life situation that may be relevant to your successful performance in this course? (Please decide what to share with the class and what to share in confidence with me).
No, not that I know of as now.
Education Past and Present
8. Share a formative memory from your experiences as a student.
9. Please discuss what are, for you, the some significant issues or concerns facing the field of education right now.
I believe that right now, so many schools are in financial trouble, and this may result in a huge problem. Schools are sacrificing after school programs, fine art classes, and much more. Furthermore, I believe many teachers have to change with the time. The students are so much different than students ten years ago, and teachers must teach the students to excel in their world. Therefore, professional development and the want for change must be instilled in teachers across the country.
10. Let’s imagine, humbly, that this course is definitely going to be the most meaningful and relevant course you’ve ever experienced. EVER. Drawing on your past experience in classrooms, and thinking uniquely, specifically and BIG, describe what we need to (1) DO (activities/projects), (2) STUDY (content topics and compelling issues/questions), (3) BE (interacting with each other) and (4) AVOID (in the previous three categories) in order for your visionary views of an ideal course to be mostly realized.
1) I believe that we must do projects the affect our school or our teaching practices right now. When we can see the results happening in front of us, I believe that we will learn so much and be able to have interesting discussions during class.
2) We should study how to develop the curriculum our schools have now into the curriculum we believe them to be for our students. How do make the curriculum geared to our students today?
3)I think the course should be a discussion course where we bring our own experiences and beliefs to class to discuss openly with our classmates.
4) What I hope to avoid is confrontation since everyone will be sharing their own views. I hope to aviod anyone feeling uncomfortable with sharing their beleifs in class.
About Dr. Shutkin:
11. Write down a question or two you would like to ask me about myself or the class.
What part of the course are you most excited to discuss with us?
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